Surface Water Quality Protection

English Videos

Innovations in Managing Farm Runoff and Insecticides
Best Practices for Irrigation Runoff to Protect Central Coast Surface Water Quality
Best Application Practices for Protecting Surface Water Quality in the Central Coast
Installing Plexiglass Shroud on Air Blast Sprayers
Orchard Spray Drift Management and Protecting Surface Water
Buffer Zones: Best Management Practices for Protecting Surface Water
Vegetated Waterways: Best Management Practices for Protecting Surface Water
Vegetated Waterways: Best Management Practices for Protecting Surface Water
Polyacrylamide: PAM - BMP for protecting water quality
Irrigation Tailwater Recirculation Systems - BMP for protecting water quality
Interference Perimeter Spraying

Spanish Videos

Mitigating Runoff
Interference Perimeter Spraying
Orchard Spray Drift Management and Protecting Surface Water
Buffer Zones: Best Management Practices for Protecting Surface Water
Vegetated Waterways: Best Management Practices for Protecting Surface Water
Irrigation Tailwater Recirculation Systems - BMP for protecting water quality
Polyacrylamide: PAM - BMP for protecting water quality

Agricultural Publications

Urban Publications