Does your irrigation system need a tune up?
Find out by applying for a free Distribution Uniformity Evaluation!

Your Field Data will be Evaluated with a NEW Software tool called the DU and ROI Estimator
A Distribution Uniformity (DU) evaluation involves:
- Gathering flow and pressure data from specifically located emission devices in a representative block of the irrigation system
- Identifying specific irrigation system deficiencies by interviewing farm personnel regarding the operation of the system and physically observing the status of irrigation system equipment components
- Translating the evaluation findings into the economic value of improving the existing DU performance and equipment component deficiencies discovered, including the cost of pumping unnecessary applications of water, the value of forgone yield potential, and the cost of less-than-optimal pumping plant efficiency;
- DU Estimator software performs a Return on Investment (ROI) analysis, in $/Acre and $/field, based on the grower’s preferred ROI timeframe, in years, to encourage funding of corrective actions.

Evaluations will take place May through October. Depending on your acreage, evaluations can take 4-8 hours. You will receive a report of the results which includes the return on investment (savings in electricity and water) from any repairs that are made.
Funding for the DU Estimator has been provided by the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Water Efficiency Technical Assistance Program. The DU Estimator program has been developed by AGH20 and Surf n’ Earth Enterprises, with grant management by Coalition for Urban and Rural Environmental Stewardship (CURES).
Qualified applicants:
Walnut, almond, grape or pistachio growers in San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties.